Digital Launchpad

Ecosystem Package for Global eCommerce 

Introducing the Digital Launchpad package for Product SheEOs™ who want to grow their eCommerce business worldwide. We are experts at setting up your entire digital channel, making it scalable, sustainable, and ready for global success.

You’ve got a new or existing product ready to launch but…

No online store to sell it, and you don't know where to start. 

We help you establish a robust online presence from scratch, setting up your eCommerce store and integrating all the necessary systems to get your product selling online quickly and effectively. 

Your business has multiple systems that are causing mistakes and wasting time. 

You have disconnected systems.

We connect all your key systems (like your online store, customer management, inventory, payments, and shipping) so they work seamlessly together, saving you time and reducing errors. 

Your customers are getting mixed and unsatisfying experiences.

Inconsistent Customer Experiences

We create a consistent and high-quality customer journey across all touchpoints, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

What we offer.

  • With over 20 years of experience in building successful digital ecosystems for some of Australia's largest and newest brands, we can deliver success to businesses of all sizes. 

  • We understand that every business is unique, so spend the time to fully understand your business and we customise our solutions to meet your specific needs. 

  • Your tailored solutions are designed in partnership experienced system architects, designers and developers to ensure they are designed to grow with your business, ensuring long-term success. 

  • Our comprehensive package equips your business to operate and expand globally. We establish a scalable business operations ecosystem that seamlessly manages cross border business.

Digital Launchpad

Delivering a complete eCommerce digital ecosystem.

All businesses are unique and at different stages, so we adjust accordingly, but these are the key steps in the DL package.

  • We’ll build a scalable, user-friendly eCommerce website where customers can easily browse and buy your products.

  • You’ll have a secure and efficient payments platform in place to handle transactions from all over the world.

  • We'll integrate with freight and logistics systems to ensure everything gets to where it needs to go without any hiccups.

  • We’ll establish and integrate a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to help you manage all your customer interactions and data efficiently.

  • If and when required, we'll integrate an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to help you manage all your business inventory, processes and resources seamlessly.

  • If required, we'll also set up a sales portal to streamline your retail sales channel.

By the end of this process, you'll have a fully equipped eCommerce business that's ready to thrive in the global market.

Our repeatable and scalable  framework and delivery strategy is designed to set you up for every stage of product growth, ensuring not just immediate but sustainable, long-term success.

You a team of experts delivering your a complete digital ecosystem in a rapid manner, that supports your strategic growth plans, allowing you to focus on what you’re best at!

A team of award winning Product Management, Delivery and Digital experts who will partner with you to execute innovative solutions to ensure seamless business operations and product success!

Success starts with you.

Are you ready to be the visionary leader who brings your purpose-driven product to life?

Play to your strengths.

“Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it . . Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”

— David Ogilvy

Since starting my career in products many moons ago, I have seen many Product business owners struggle to wrap their heads around all the things they need to do to launch, grow and scale their product business.


Because they are juggling so many things, there are so many different facets to running a business. Its not just make a product and sell it (sadly enough).

There is a whole ecosystem to consider when establishing a product based business. Things like:

  • Product idea and design

  • Business and product branding

  • Pricing & proposition

  • Manufacturing

  • Setting up sales channels

  • Marketing

  • Order fulfillment and Distribution

  • Financials

  • Risk Management

It’s a lot and it can be overwhelming when you ‘don’t know, what you don’t know!’

There comes a point where the ROI is far greater to get a partner to help you deliver. Get it off the ground quicker, less hassle, less headaches. Confidence that you are getting to where you need to rapidly and in a sustainable manner.

How it works

First Step - Initiate

Design the customer experience and the system architecture required to support it. Determine roadmap and business value to determine proposed delivery timeframe and sizing as well as plan for discovery.

Second Step - Define Solution

Identification of problem, need or opportunity in alignment with your product strategy and confirm scope. Develop an understanding of your existing ecosystem and design a high-level approach with initial time/cost.

Third Step - Discovery

The customer journey and technical design is confirmed and a project plan is delivered. The development and testing work is completed and we plan the business and operational process changes.

Fourth Step - Deliver Solution

We analyse what is required and develop clear requirements. The design team create your online store and then our development experts work on the plan for linking your store to all the necessary systems in your digital ecosystem.

Fifth Step - Release

We plan the release and ensure testing has passed all key criteria. We complete any training or communications and release to relevant audiences. We launch your website or updated digital ecosystem in a strategic manner.

*After the release will monitor and measure effectiveness.

Invest in Growth, Reap the Rewards – Because Success Requires Commitment.

Are you ready?

The Digital Launchpad Program is best suited to:

  • Ambitious Entrepreneurs: Ideal for business owners looking to rapidly scale their product offerings and reach new global markets.

  • Growing Product-Based Businesses: Perfect for businesses that have a solid product but lack the digital infrastructure to expand their eCommerce presence.

  • Established Brands Seeking Digital Transformation: Suitable for established brands aiming to modernize their operations with a comprehensive digital ecosystem.

  • Businesses Ready for Global Expansion: Great for companies that are ready to take their products beyond local markets and tap into international customer bases.

  • Tech-Savvy Businesses Seeking Efficiency: Designed for businesses that want to integrate advanced systems for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.

This program is not for:

  • Startups Without a Solid Product: Not suitable for businesses that are still in the ideation phase or do not have a well-developed product.

  • Small Local Businesses with No Expansion Plans: Not ideal for businesses that are content with their local market and have no desire to expand globally.

  • Budget-Conscious Businesses: This package may not be the best fit for businesses with limited financial resources who are unable to invest in comprehensive digital transformation.

What's Inside: Your Path to Success

    • Kickoff Meeting: Begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your business goals, challenges, and aspirations.

    • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of your current operations, market positioning, and digital presence.

    • Customised Roadmap: Develop a tailored digital strategy that outlines the key milestones and deliverables for your project.

    • Goal Setting: Define clear, achievable goals and objectives to guide the project's success.

    • Website Blueprint: Plan the structure and functionality of your eCommerce website to ensure it meets your business needs and customer expectations.

    • System Integration Plan: Outline the integration of essential systems such as CRM, ERP, and payment gateways for seamless operations.

    • Website Development: Build a user-friendly, visually appealing eCommerce website with secure payment platforms, tailored to your brand.

    • System Integration: Implement CRM and ERP systems to enhance customer relationship management and streamline business operations.

    • Sales Portal and Payment Systems: Develop and integrate a centralised sales portal for wholesale (if required)

    • Logistics Integration: Connect your eCommerce platform with leading freight and logistics systems to ensure efficient order fulfillment.

    • Global Shipping Solutions: If required, establish partnerships with logistics providers to offer reliable and cost-effective shipping options.

    • System Testing: Conduct rigorous testing of all systems to ensure functionality, security, and performance.

    • User Acceptance Testing: Facilitate testing by key stakeholders to validate that the solutions meet business requirements.

  • A tailored project plan to support the product roadmap, providing a step by step guide on how to deliver the changes required for growth and scaling.

    * A do-it-for you service is available if you need someone to drive and manage the change.

    • Staff Training: Provide comprehensive training for your team on the new systems and processes.

    • Staggered Rollout: Implement a phased rollout plan to introduce the new digital ecosystem to your target markets incrementally.

    • Launch Support: Offer hands-on support during the launch phase to ensure a smooth transition.

    • Continuous Monitoring: Monitor the performance of your digital ecosystem and provide ongoing optimisation recommendations.

    • Dedicated Support Team: Access our team of experts for continuous assistance and troubleshooting.

    • Regular Updates: Receive regular updates and enhancements to keep your digital ecosystem running smoothly and efficiently.

SheEO™ Testimonials: Real Experiences

I am a Product Management expert with over 20 years experience in launching, growing and scaling product based businesses.

I have a passion for purpose-driven products and helping other Product SheEO’s™, like you, achieve your dreams by helping you make your product a sustainable success and a household name. 

I want you to feel more confident that you are going to achieve what started as your ‘Passion & Purpose’. Creating a profitable business that provides you with financial security, control of your career and the flexibility to manage your life, the way you want!

I’m a genuine down to earth person, who doesn’t take myself to seriously. I am a mum, a board member, committee member and Product SheEO myself. I am determined, persistent, authentic, love a good problem to solve and a creative at heart.

My superskills are predominantly - bringing people together, events, getting to the bottom of challenges, creating effective solutions and getting things done.

If that sounds like the kind of person you want to work with, give me a buzz. I’d love to help.



Meet Me

Digital Launchpad Package

Benefits of the Digital Launchpad Package

At Products of Purpose, we understand that bringing a new product to market can be overwhelming. Our Digital Launchpad package is designed to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to establishing a robust digital ecosystem and scaling your eCommerce store globally. You can have peace of mind that you will achieve the following:

  1. Global Reach: Seamlessly scale your business across multiple regions, reaching new markets and customers.

  2. Integrated Systems: Enjoy a cohesive digital ecosystem that enhances operational efficiency and customer experience.

  3. Tailored Strategy: Benefit from a customised approach that aligns with your business goals and market needs.

  4. Expert Team: Work with a team of seasoned professionals who will lead and manage your project, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation.

  5. Faster Success: Leverage our expertise and proven methodologies to achieve your business objectives more quickly and effectively.

  6. Continuous Improvement: Receive ongoing support and optimisation to keep your digital ecosystem at peak performance.

  7. Operational Efficiency: Streamline your operations with integrated systems, reducing manual efforts and increasing productivity.

  8. Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide a seamless and satisfying experience for your customers, boosting retention and loyalty.


* As each business is unique, the offer will be tailored to your business and a proposal provided after initial consult.

Easy payment plan

The Digital Launchpad package has flexible payment options that can be discussed at initial consultation.

Unlock the potential of your product with our Digital Launchpad. Your gateway to global success.
Expert guidance.
Seamless integration.
Rapid market expansion.