POP Product Strategy

A Tailored Strategy For
The Ambitious Product SheEO™ 

Done for you POP Product Strategy and a Coaching program for the Product SheEO™ who wants to grow and scale their visibility, sales and product offering, with the ultimate goal of achieving financial security.

So you started your business with a Purpose and a hell of a lot of Passion, but you want to make more of an impact, more money and get some security for your bottom line?

I feel like I’m just winging it but its really scary not really knowing if it’s going to get me where I want to be.

Sales are going great but I’m completely overwhelmed at the amount of juggling I’m doing just to keep up.

I have set up my product pricing, but I’m honestly not sure if I’m even making money overall.

I have my product set up but I need to set up my sales channels and a team to help.

With a background in building side-hustles while working full-time and being a single mum, I intimately understand the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.

Through my own successes and failures in business, I've gained invaluable insights into the path to success.

As they say ‘if you don’t plan, then plan to fail’. Spending the time to develop a product strategy is an investment well spent. It will help you feel confident that the path ahead is going to help you achieve your Passion, Purpose and make Profit.

I’m here to share my knowledge and support you every step of the way, so you can realise your dreams and create a thriving business that aligns with your life. 

POP Product Strategy

More Than Just a Strategy

  • Experience a fully tailored Product Strategy with a 3 month one-on-one coaching program. Together, we’ll dive deep into the heart of your business to uncover your challenges, struggles, and any hidden opportunities.

  • Leave with a clear path forward and confidence you have the right plan and framework in place.

  • You will receive a custom action plan to help you achieve your goals and up-level your business!

  • And have the unique opportunity to have 3 months of ongoing coaching to help you implement your plan.

Our repeatable framework is designed to guide you through every stage of product growth, ensuring not just immediate but sustainable, long-term success.

You get an actionable, future focused strategy tailored to your products unique needs and goals, paving the way for sustainable growth & success.

A product management expert by your side for 3 months, offering personalised hands-on coaching designed to boost your confidence and ensure your business thrives

Success starts with you.

Are you ready to be the visionary leader who brings your purpose-driven product to life?

Stop following the crowd.

Lead with customised product management strategies that align with your purpose.

Since starting my career in products many moons ago, I have seen many Product SheEO’s™ struggle to wrap their heads around all the things they need to do to launch, grow and scale their product business.


Because they are juggling so many things, there are so many different facets to running a business. Its not just make a product and sell it (sadly enough).

There is a whole ecosystem to consider when establishing a product based business. Things like:

  • Product idea and design

  • Business and product branding

  • Pricing & proposition

  • Manufacturing

  • Setting up sales channels

  • Marketing

  • Order fulfillment and Distribution

  • Financials

  • Risk Management

It’s a lot and it can be overwhelming when you ‘don’t know, what you don’t know!’

With the right strategies, frameworks, and tools in place, we can streamline your product management process, taking out the overwhelm and providing you with a clear, focused path forward.

How it works

First Step - Discovery

Develop a customised product strategy and implementation plan tailored to your business. Includes a framework and systems necessary to optimise your product and business operations, setting you up for successful and sustainable growth.

Second Step - POP Product Strategy

Begin with a 2-hour 1:1 clarity session to dive deep into your business. We'll uncover your goals and vision, understand your target customers, and identify what drives their purchasing decisions.

Third Step - Delivery & Support

Have me by your side for 3 months, offering personalised hands-on coaching. I’ll be there to help you implement your product strategy and track your progress, ensuring you stay on the path to success.

* A do-it-for you service is available, packages will be tailored to your specific needs.

The one thing that is slowing down progress of your product business growth is a decent strategy and the support to deliver it.

Perfect For
Product SheEO’s™ 

POP Product Strategy Program is best suited to:

  • Product SheEO’s™ Ready to Scale: Aimed at those looking to consistently earn over six figures a month.

  • Action-Oriented Entrepreneurs: Determined to take action and implement the product management strategies provided.

  • Open to Feedback: Willing to receive and act on feedback to maximise their strategy and achieve the best results.

  • Ambitious and Driven: Eager to succeed and build long-term growth for their business.

  • Committed to Growth: Ready to invest time and effort, and are dedicated to implementing their product management strategy and solutions.

This program is not for:

  • Quick-Fix Seekers: Those looking for an immediate solution to boost sales without a strategic approach.

  • Unprepared Business Owners: Those who don't yet have a brand vision or product offering they're satisfied with.

What's Inside: Your Path to Success

  • A fully tailored Product Strategy that provides clarity on current challenges, opportunities and a roadmap forward, paving the way for sustainable growth and success.

  • A product management expert by your side for 3 months, offering personalised hands-on coaching via a regular weekly session, designed to boost your confidence and ensure your product future thrives.

  • Available for adhoc support via email or Whatsapp for those moments when you have a quick and easy query.

  • Together, we’ll dive deep into the heart of your business to uncover your vision, goals, strengths and the challenges and struggles that are inhibiting your product success.

  • A full product audit including, product offering, customer experience, marketing, social media, proposition, competitor comparison and business operations to determine what’s currently working and what needs improving.

  • A re-usable product management framework and templates that you can utilise for ongoing lifecycle management or for any new product / initiative launch.

  • A tailored project plan to support the product roadmap, providing a step by step guide on how to deliver the changes required for growth and scaling.

    * A do-it-for you service is available if you need someone to drive and manage the change.

SheEO™ Testimonials: Real Experiences

I am a Product Management expert with over 20 years experience in launching, growing and scaling product based businesses.

I have a passion for purpose-driven products and helping other Product SheEO’s™, like you, achieve your dreams by helping you make your product a sustainable success and a household name. 

I want you to feel more confident that you are going to achieve what started as your ‘Passion & Purpose’. Creating a profitable business that provides you with financial security, control of your career and the flexibility to manage your life, the way you want!

I’m a genuine down to earth person, who doesn’t take myself to seriously. I am a mum, a board member, committee member and Product SheEO myself. I am determined, persistent, authentic, love a good problem to solve and a creative at heart.

My superskills are predominantly - bringing people together, events, getting to the bottom of challenges, creating effective solutions and getting things done.

If that sounds like the kind of person you want to work with, give me a buzz. I’d love to help.



Meet Me

Your Investment

  1. A 2-hour discover session dive deep into the heart of your business to uncover your vision, goals, strengths and the challenges and struggles that are inhibiting your product success. (Valued at $500).

  2. A personalised product strategy & roadmap with the framework you need to implement it. (Valued at $990).

  3. A tailored project plan to step you through all the required tasks to deliver your strategy (Valued at $990).

  4. 6 x 90 min fortnightly coaching calls to help implement the strategy and address any roadblocks (Valued at $1700).

  5. A product management framework with recommendations on how to utilise effectively now and ongoing (Valued at $350).

  6. A full product audit including, product offering, customer experience, marketing, social media, proposition, competitor comparison and business operations. (Valued at $450).

  7. A 60-minute implementation session to go over your strategy and answer any burning questions (Valued at $250).


    Unlimited voice/text messaging support between sessions through the free app What’s app support (Valued at $2,500).

    1x Monthly strategy review and progress with any adjustment recommendations (Valued at $550).

From $2,490

* As each business is unique, the offer will be tailored to your business.

Easy payment plan

The POP Product Strategy is available on a pay as you go option.