Terms of Service

Welcome to Products of Purpose 


1. Introduction  

  •  Hello and welcome to Products of Purpose. We're delighted to have you visit our online platform. 


2. User Responsibilities  

  • As a valued user, we entrust you to engage with our site responsibly and lawfully. 

  • Ensure compliance with legal age requirements and refrain from engaging in any illicit activities. 

  • Kindly uphold the integrity of our platform by refraining from any attempts to compromise its security. 


3. Our Commitment  

  • We are committed to providing an exceptional user experience while maintaining fairness and integrity. 

  • In the event of necessary adjustments, we reserve the right to modify or remove content as required. 


4. Shopping Policies  

  • Our pricing policies may undergo occasional adjustments, with transparency and fairness as our guiding principles. 

  • To maintain fairness, we may implement restrictions on product quantities or updates to product information. 


5. Order Management and Account Integrity  

  • We aim to process orders efficiently while ensuring account information accuracy for seamless transactions. 

  • For inquiries regarding order management, please refer to our Returns Policy for detailed guidance. 


6. Tools and Resources  

  • Our platform offers various tools and resources for enhanced user experience, provided on an as-is basis. 


7. External Links  

  • While we may share external links for informational purposes, we do not assume responsibility for content beyond our platform. 


8. User Contributions  

  • Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. We encourage constructive contributions while maintaining a respectful discourse. 


9. Privacy Assurance  

  • Your privacy is paramount. Rest assured, we handle personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 


10. Error Correction  

  • Should inaccuracies arise, we are committed to promptly rectifying any errors to ensure accurate information dissemination. 


11. Conduct Standards  

  •  Upholding professionalism and respect within our community is paramount. We prohibit any behaviour deemed detrimental to our platform's integrity. 


12. Customer Support  

  • In the event of challenges or concerns, our customer support team is readily available to assist you. 


13. Liability Limitation  

  • While we strive for excellence, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted service. Your understanding is appreciated. 


14. Mutual Support  

  • Collaboration and transparency are key to resolving any disputes swiftly and amicably. 


15. Policy Updates  

  • We may periodically update our terms to reflect changes. Your continued usage implies acceptance of any revisions. 


16. Contact Information  

  • For further inquiries or assistance, please direct your correspondence to info@productsofpurpose.com.au